6 Ways Automation Can Solve Ecommerce Tax Compliance Challenges

By RafterOne
6 ways automation can solve ecommerce tax compliance challenges

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, managing tax compliance presents a unique set of challenges. As businesses expand their digital footprint, the complexity of adhering to diverse tax laws increases significantly and ensuring ecommerce tax compliance becomes crucial. Ensuring accurate tax calculations, timely filings, and compliance with regional tax regulations are vital for the smooth operation and legal standing of ecommerce businesses. With the integration of a tax compliance software like Avalara, commerce brands on Salesforce can address the intricate tax obligations businesses face in the digital marketplace by streamlining the process of ecommerce Tax Compliance with automation and expert solutions, Let’s explore how. 

6 Solutions to Common Ecommerce Tax Compliance Challenges  

Retail businesses face a plethora of challenges in managing tax compliance. The complexity of tax laws and the need for accurate and timely tax collection and remittance make this a critical area for ecommerce brands. Fortunately, tax compliance automation software offers robust solutions to these challenges and ensures compliance with ever-changing regulations. Let’s explore how these solutions can be transformative for e-commerce brands.  

1. Enhance Precision in Tax Calculations 

Navigating the constantly shifting sales tax rules and rates, especially in a country with over 13,000 sales and use tax jurisdictions like the United States, can be daunting. Manually researching legislative changes and updating systems demands significant resources and carries a high risk of inaccuracies.  


A tax software efficiently computes sales tax rates considering many factors, such as the interplay of federal, state, and local jurisdiction rules, the nature of products, geographic locations, marketplace regulations, and more. The tax compliance software specialists routinely update global rates and regulations and seamlessly integrate them into your systems, eliminating the need for IT interventions. 

2. Identify and Fulfil Sales Tax Obligations Effectively 

Determining where sales tax needs to be collected and filed can be intricate. Each jurisdiction has distinct sales tax laws and filing prerequisites. This complexity escalates for businesses selling via various channels or platforms, complicating the tracking of liabilities. 


Consolidating sales data from diverse channels and systems, a tax compliance software alerts you about impending sales tax obligations. This proactive approach allows for timely business registration in new jurisdictions, ensuring ongoing compliance for omnichannel sellers. 

3. Manage and Integrate Multiple Channels and Locations 

Retail brands aim to broaden their customer base by adopting multichannel and omnichannel strategies. However, this expansion often leads to the cumbersome task of manually updating tax information across various channels and locations. It includes adapting to sales tax holidays and different tax thresholds. The process is not only time-intensive but also susceptible to mistakes. For businesses with physical stores and offline POS systems, this complexity escalates.  


With an extensive range of tax content, tax compliance software provides solutions tailored to the unique needs of your business and its systems. It seamlessly integrates with your existing ecommerce platform, POS, and ERP systems, whether you operate through multiple sales channels like ecommerce, marketplaces, physical stores, offline sales, or manage multiple locations. 

4. Enhance Customer Experience with Accurate Tax Management 

Incorrect tax rates or incomplete cost communication can lead to customer dissatisfaction and adverse feedback, damaging your brand and impacting sales. Unexpected fees upon delivery may cause customers to reject shipments. 


Implementing consistent tax rules and rates across all channels, including ecommerce, marketplaces, order management, and ERP systems provides reliable accuracy across the board. Offering transparency by displaying the total cost upfront to customers allows them to be informed before making a purchase. The right tax compliance software offers extensive integration capabilities with your existing systems, offering consistency and efficient data aggregation to support customer trust. 

5. File More Efficiently 

The complexity of sales tax compliance escalates with the need to gather data, prepare, and file tax returns promptly. The intricacy intensifies with business expansion across various jurisdictions, each having distinct rules and schedules, making the process increasingly laborious. 


A tax software enhances efficiency by taking over numerous tasks required for registration, return preparation, filing, and tax remittance. Leveraging automation, the software converts processes that traditionally span days or weeks into tasks completed in minutes or hours. This transformation allows brands to sustain compliance while reallocating their finance teams to focus on revenue-generating activities. 

6. Foster Growth 

Growth, whether through entering new markets or diversifying product portfolios, often accompanies additional tax liabilities. To stay competitive, retailers must ensure consistency in customer experiences across all sales channels, simultaneously tackling emerging compliance demands. 


Ecommerce tax compliance software provides products tailored to various retail compliance requirements, encompassing international business and specialized taxes. For seamless integration, these products allow incremental additions as needed, ensuring uninterrupted customer experiences, and avoiding the need for comprehensive system overhauls. 

Each year new tax changes and trends emerge that businesses need to consider and adapt to. In Avalara’s 2024 Compliance Guide, they highlight the important updates affecting tax compliance for retail and other businesses including AI, omnichannel commerce, electronic invoicing and delivery fees.  

RafterOne and Avalara Partnership 

Avalara is our RafterOne’s go-to Salesforce partner for ecommerce tax compliance software due to their specialized and proven capabilities for retail brands. Our partnership leverages our expertise in integrating Avalara’s tax compliance solutions with our customers’ Salesforce commerce sites. Our collaboration offers an integrated solution that enhances ecommerce operations while bolstering tax compliance while simplifying tax management, improving operational workflows, enhancing customer experiences, and streamlining tax compliance processes. If you are seeking an efficient solution for managing your ecommerce tax compliance challenges, we look forward to discussing how you may benefit from integration of a tax compliance software like Avalara to your Salesforce commerce platform. . 

Ready to adopt an efficient tax compliance solution?